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《无人深空》开发商逃过一劫 索尼高管力挺

阅读次数:   更新时间:2016/12/1

来源: http://www.polygon.com/2016/11/30/13791782/no-mans-sky-false-advertising-results

英国ASA(Advertising Standards Authority) 调查后认为开发商Hello Games在STEAM页面的宣传没有违规,并表示STEAM页面上总体效果与实际游戏相一致



退款12/32/55/134 次都被拒绝,依然不妥协与开发商战斗到底


In September, the ASA kicked off an investigation into the way the game was advertised on Steam after receiving 23 complaints about ten or so specific features that were said to be missing or not the same as what was shown in the ads for No Man’s Sky.The ASA spoke with Hello Games which provided video the team captured and video players captured to refute the complaints, according to the ruling.

《无人深空(No Man’s Sky)》正式发售后,在玩家们中间引起了巨大的争议。ASA收到了STEAM玩家23次投诉,玩家认为至少十处效果与宣传不一致。 之后,ASA宣布,对游戏涉嫌进行虚假宣传调查Hello Games。此次调查一经公布,在当时也是让处在风口浪尖的游戏开发商Hellogames陷入了舆论的漩涡。

“We understood that the screenshots and videos in the ad had been created using game footage, and acknowledged that in doing this the advertisers would aim to show the product in the best light,” according to the findings released today on the ASA website. “Taking into account the above points, we considered that the overall impression of the ad was consistent with gameplay and the footage provided, both in terms of that captured by Hello Games and by third parties, and that it did not exaggerate the expected player experience of the game. “We therefore concluded that the ad did not breach the Code.”

虽然UK ASA对STEAM 游戏主页截图与视频的宣传告一段落,但是No Man’s Sky依然非常具有争议,并有主管宣传的业内专业人士持有不同观点,与玩家乃至分析师发生了争执。

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无论如何,此作在STEAM玩家中的推荐率只有 30% , OVERALL: Mostly Negative (79,682 reviews)