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XBOXONE 销量公开 1800万

阅读次数:   更新时间:2016/4/25

http://www.videogamer.com/news/x ... ts_ceo_reveals.html

Xbox One has sold 18 million units worldwide, according to information revealed by the CEO of eSports company Gfinity.


Discussing the launch of the company's new Tournament Build App on Xbox One, CEO Neville Upton revealed that the app would allow Gfinity "to reach Xbox One's 18 million users globally, offering this new larger audience the opportunity to interact with the Gfinity brand."

在谈论公司准备在XBOX ONE上架的app时说,这个app可以把我们Gfinity品牌介绍给Xbox one全球1800万这个庞大的用户群体。

The figure puts Xbox One significantly behind PS4, which had sold 35.9m units as of January 3, 2016.


Microsoft has not officially announced sales figures since November 2014, when it revealed that Xbox One was approaching 10 million units shipped.


Gfinity's figure tallies with that hinted at by EA CFO Blake Jorgensen earlier this year, who estimated that PS4 and Xbox One had sold around 55 million units between them, putting Xbox One at around 19 million.

Gfinity的数字与EA CFO BLAKE JORGENSEN在今年早些提到的数字相吻合,BLAKE估计PS4和X1总共卖出5500万,其中X1卖了1900万

Microsoft is currently rumoured to be working on a successor to the Xbox One, with speculation pointing towards a reveal at E3 this June. Yesterday, Xbox chief Phil Spencer revealed that the company intends to talk about its plans for Xbox One, Windows 10 "and beyond" in the weeks and months ahead.

微软最近被传言要推出X1的后续机种,将会在6月份的E3公布。昨天,XBOXONE负责人PHIL SPENCER提到在未来的几个月内讨论他们公司关于X1/WIN10以及后续机种的方案。